Taking a Look Back on 2024

If we had to sum it up in three words it would be: investment, change, progress. As the end of the year is almost upon us, we thought it would be good to have a look back on what the highlights for Plant-Ex were: In summary, it’s been an incredible year where the investment phase […]

Halloween NPD Inspiration – Colours & Flavours

Halloween is the perfect opportunity for innovative sweet treats with creative designs. Take a look at how Plant-Ex can help you capitalize on this opportunity:  Food Pumpkin Spiced Shortbread This buttery treat is a great opportunity to get creative with colours and designs to deliver a vibrant Halloween-inspired biscuit. Colours: Flavours Mmm…ummy Cupcakes These cute […]

Trending New Q3 Flavour Launches

As we come to the end of Q3, here at Plant-Ex we would love to share some of our exciting new flavour launches to get you inspired. Sweet Flavours Rainbow Candy Flavour – This sweet and juicy flavour is growing in popularity amongst consumers with a CAGR of +11.50%. Rainbow Candy Flavour has been found […]

Alcohol Flavours – How Plant-Ex Can Help You Gain A Competitive Advantage

The population are becoming increasingly concerned with their health and fitness, as a result alcohol consumption is on the decline; the number of non-drinkers has increased from 16% to 20% between 2011 and 2021 (1) and more than 1 in 4 consumers want to reduce the amount of alcohol they drink in 2024 (2). Despite […]


The first quarter of the year is up and here at Plant-Ex our 2024 has gotten off to an excellent start! Over the past few months, our team has been working hard to bring to life a range of innovative flavours to help you stay ahead of the 2024 trends. Keep reading for a sneak […]

It’s the Whey Forward!

What is Clear Whey? Clear Whey protein is a whey isolate that has been hydrolysed resulting in a fine powder that is water soluble and low in lactose. As a result, a clear-looking shake can be created. Clear Whey protein is growing rapidly in popularity. It is an excellent way to consume protein or simply […]

How Plant-Ex manufactures stable natural colours for different food & beverage applications

Natural Colours are a division of Plant-Ex’s food ingredients portfolio and due to the colours being made from natural products, they can sometimes be affected by other natural processes. This includes UV exposure, heat, pH, and other chemicals. As a result, Plant-Ex has combined innovation with science to create light-stable, heat-stable and acid-stable versions of […]

How To: Citrus Flavours

As our taste palates evolve and become more adventurous, it seems like citrus fruit flavours are everywhere! From lemon to grapefruit, orange to lime, these bright and zesty flavours are making their mark on the food and drink industry. Whether it’s in sweet or savoury dishes, paired with tea or infused in cocktails, citrus flavours […]

It’s Botanical Time

What is a botanical extract? Botanical can be defined as a substance that has derived from a plant. Often these are herbs, spices and floral flavours. Consequently, botanical flavours often give an authentic and concentrated taste due to their natural origins, causing consumers to gravitate towards them, especially with the rising trend of sustainability. Botanicals […]