Macadamia Biscuit

Macadamia Biscuits

Flavours used: Macadamia DEV019377N Dosage: 0.5% Application: Bakery Result: reminiscent of macadamia Profile: Nutty Heat Stability: YES Light stability: Yes

Chocolate Caramel Biscuits

cookie application

Werther’s Original style Flavour DEV019287N Dosage: 0.5% Application: Bakery (prebake) Result: Soft Caramel knots coming through Profile: Chocolate caramel biscuits Heat Stability: YES Light stability: YES Natural: YES

Pistachio Biscuit

Pistachio biscuits

Flavours used: Pistachio DEV018832A Dosage: 0.3% Colour used: Copper Chlorophyllin NC1413 Dosage: 0.2% Application: Bakery Result: light green biscuit with a hint of pistachio Profile: Green Pistachio Heat Stability: YES Light stability: YES

Pumpkin Spice Biscuit

Pumpkin Spice biscuits

Flavours used: Pumpkin Spice DEV019403N Dosage: 0.3% Application: Bakery Result: Great festive favorite Flavour Profile: Earthy / Fruity Pumpkin Spice Heat Stability: YES Light stability: YES

Halloween Squad Cookie

halloween biscuits - pumpkin bat and spider

Flavours used: Gingerbread DEV019445A / Cinnamon (L) DEV016162N Extracts used: Purple Carrot NC0164 Dosage: Colour used: Paprika Extract NC1641 / Carbon black NC1532 Dosage: 0.3%-0.5% Application: Bakery / Icings Result: Scary Halloween Cookies Profile: Colourful cookies Heat Stability: YES Light stability: YES

The white ghost cookie

ghost biscuit

Flavours used: Gingerbread DEV019445A Dosage: 0.3% Colour used: Titanium Dioxide DEV012971A Dosage 0.2% Application: Bakery Result: Clean, light flavour profile Profile: White Ghost Heat Stability: YES Light Stability: YES

Green Ghost Cupcakes

halloween green cupcake

Flavour used: Cinnamon DEV016162N Dosage: 0.3% Colour used: Copper Chlorophyllin NC1413 Dosage: 0.5% Application: Bakery Result: ‘’Scary’’ mummy cupcake with a light green colour Profile: Heat Stability: YES

Pumpkin cupcakes

halloween cupcake application yellow black and red

Flavour used: Cinnamon DEV016162N Dosage: 0.3% Colour used: Copper Chlorophyllin NC1413 Dosage: 0.5% Application: Bakery Result: ‘’Scary’’ mummy cupcake with a light green colour Profile: Heat Stability: YES

Bloody cupcakes

halloween cupcakes - black and red blood oozing

Flavour used: Caramel TF016096N Dosage: 0.3% Colour used: Carbon Black NC1532 Dosage: 1% Application: Bakery (prebake) Result: Black cupcake with caramel flavoured blood center Profile: Heat Stability: YES Light stability: YES

Werther’s Original ‘’Style’’ Caramel Flavour Cupcake

Wether's flavoured cup cakes with vanilla beige icing and brown bottom

Weathers Original Caramel Flavour DEV019287N Dosage: 1% Application: Bakery (prebake) Result: Smooth creamy Caramel Flavour in a light sponge and buttercream Profile: deliciously smooth and creamy caramel notes. Heat Stability: YES Light stability: YES